1. General

O'street, whose registered office is located at 5000 Namur, rue Emile Cuvelier 33, Belgium registered with the Banque Carrefour des Entreprises belges under number BE 633.600.931, and its affiliates (hereinafter "O'STREET"), is responsible for the processing of your personal data.

O'street attaches great importance to your privacy and protects your personal data by applying the General Data Protection Regulation (European Regulation 2016/679 on the Protection of Personal Data, hereinafter: "GDPR"), as well as the legislation on electronic communications and other applicable legal provisions. In addition, O'street has also appointed a GDPR contact person, who also controls the correct processing of your personal data. This Privacy Statement contains O'street information on how O'street collects and uses your personal data and for what purposes. This information is intended to inform you of the processing of your personal data and the rights you have, as a data subject, when you use our services, both on the website and in physical stores, or when you communicate your data to O'street.


This Privacy Statement concerns natural persons, in particular data that directly or indirectly identifies a person. We then inform you what specific personal data we process, for what purposes and on the basis of what legal basis.

2.1. In our stores, when you buy a product in one of our physical stores, you can create a personal account. To do this, we collect your surname, first name, e-mail address, gender, language and city. Optionally, as a customer, you can provide your date of birth, phone number and address. We use this account information to register you as a customer in our customer system. With a personal account, we find your information and purchases faster so that we can respond to your questions, complaints or returns. The creation of a personal account is based on your consent. You can always ask our stores to change your account details or exercise your other rights in accordance with point 5 of this Privacy Statement.

2.2. Online account

When creating a personal account on the website, you provide the following information: surname, first name, title, e-mail address. It is also possible to register and log in to your account via Facebook or Google Connect. In this case, we will receive from this service your contact details, namely your public profile with name and e-mail address, via the authorization procedures used by the service. For the subsequent use of your online account, your access data (email address and password) will be saved. Other personal data is recorded in our customer system and stored in your online account so that you do not have to enter it again and we can identify you as a customer. The creation of an account is based on your consent, as well as on the connection of your account to your Google or Facebook profile. Based on your consent, we may also record other (anonymous) preferences by means of surveys. You can change or cancel your account online at any time. You can read the procedure to follow in this purpose in point 5 of this Privacy Statement.

2.3. Online store: orders and deliveries

When you place an order on our online store, your surname, first name, phone number, billing and/or delivery address and payment details are processed. We use this account information to finalize the payment, deliver your order and keep you informed of the status of your order. The processing of your account data in the context of order processing on the website is necessary for the execution of the purchase contract.

2.4. Questions and complaints

When you fill out the contact form on the website, you enter the following personal data: surname, first name, e-mail address and your question or message. If you contact us directly (by e-mail, telephone or mail), our customer service will process your contact information and the content of the correspondence. We use this information only to respond as appropriately as possible to your question or complaint. Phone calls to our customer service are neither recorded nor stored. In addition, we may use your email address to send surveys to improve our service. The communication of this information is based on your consent. The subsequent use of your personal data for this purpose is based on the legitimate interest of O'street.

2.5. Marketing communication

When you subscribe to our newsletter, you provide the following personal information: surname, first name, email address, title, country, postal code and language. We compile personalized product information from your information, such as your wish list, your previous purchases and orders, as well as the cookies used by our website. Your contact details are stored in our customer system to inform you of our actions, promotions, benefits and events. In addition, we communicate some of our marketing activities through our own website, third-party websites and various social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. We may create target groups from email addresses, mobile phone numbers or visitors to our website, and approach them with personalized ads through these channels. We send these communications if you have given us permission. You will also receive certain information if you already have a customer relationship with O'street, if we find that you are interested in our services or products or that you benefit from them. In doing so, we rely on the legitimate interest of O'street.

2.6. Events

If you participate in an O'street event, we usually record your last name, first name and email address. During most events, there is also a photographer to capture the atmosphere and take photos of all the people present, which we can then post on our social media. Your registration for the event is based on your permission. The publication of photos on social media is based on O'street's legitimate interest in online visibility. You can always withdraw your authorization in accordance with point 5 of this Privacy Statement or request to remove your photo by sending a link or reference to the photo to [email protected].

2.7. Other relationships

The contact details of our current or future suppliers or partners (wholesallers) are collected in our systems. O'street processes this data in order to conclude and execute our agreements, and to manage our relationships or cooperation. This processing is therefore necessary for the conclusion and execution of our contracts and commercial relationships.

2.8. Automatic collection of personal data

Each time you visit our website, we collect information through cookies and other technologies to ensure the optimal functioning of our website. For example, we process your browsing behaviour anonymously, including via Google Analytics, in order to improve the technical quality and content of the website. For more information on this subject, you can also consult our Cookie Policy (link). Our website uses Facebook and Google pixels, for our own advertisements and for advertisements through a third party. They are primarily used to place targeted advertisements on the third-party website and to measure the performance of our campaigns.


All personal data is stored in our information systems for a period not exceeding that necessary for the provision of the service or for the purposes described above. The personal data we collect on the basis of your consent, namely your contact details, certain account data and photos, will also be kept as long as your consent remains valid. The information you provide to us via the contact form or in the context of questions or complaints will be kept for as long as necessary to be able to respond and fully process the form or the content of your e-mail.

After that, we keep these files in our archives for two years to consult related questions or complaints in order to optimize our services. We retain customer and supplier information about your purchases for as long as it is reasonably necessary to perform our contracts, to comply with our legal obligations (such as accounting and tax obligations) and to resolve disputes or enforce agreements. Therefore, this personal information is kept for the duration of our contractual relationship and for 10 years thereafter. In all cases, personal data may be kept for a longer period if there is a legal or regulatory reason to do so, or for a shorter period if the data subject objects to the processing of his personal data and if there is no longer a legitimate reason to keep it.


O'street does not share your personal data with third parties, except:

· With your legal successors and other affiliates, for the same purposes as those specified in this Privacy Statement.

· With subcontractors and third parties for the execution of a contract that we have with them or that we have with you.

· With third-party service providers who provide services on our behalf to assist us in our business activities. These service providers are limited to the processing of your personal data in accordance with our instructions for the performance of their duties. For example, O'street cooperates with subcontractors for the following activities:

§ Management and hosting of our website

§ Payment processing in the online store

§ Customer database management (CRM)

§ Management of the supplier and partner database

§ Delivery of orders

§ Certain marketing actions

§ Organization of events

· If required by applicable laws and regulations.

· With government agencies or authorities.

· With other third parties with your permission.

We limit the transfer of your personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area (European Union + Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein). If we transfer your personal data to third parties in third countries, such as software providers and cloud or mailing services, O'street will take the necessary measures to ensure that your personal data is only processed in accordance with the regulations and this Privacy Statement. These data protection rules may include binding corporate rules, contractual clauses or approved certification mechanisms.


O'street uses your personal data for specific purposes and only collects the personal data necessary to achieve these purposes. We want to be as transparent and clear as possible about the activities for which we collect and use your personal data. In accordance with the GDPR, we list below your different rights with regard to your personal data:

Right to be informed

O'street strives to be transparent by providing the necessary information on the processing of your personal data, via this Privacy Statement or via specific notifications when collecting them.

Right of access

You have the right at any time and free of charge to access your personal data and to request a copy of the personal data that O'street holds about you.

Right of rectification

If the personal data that O'street stores about you is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to ask us to correct or complete it. You are responsible for the accuracy of the data when you provide it yourself. This allows you to update your personal account details online at any time.

Right of erasure

In some cases, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data. We will delete your personal data without undue delay if we have no legal or legitimate reason to continue processing it.

Right to restriction of processing

In some cases, you have the right to request to limit the processing of your personal data. This means that we can store the data, but we can no longer process it.

Right to data portability

This right only applies to personal data that you have provided to us on the basis of consent or in the context of the performance of a contract. O'street will transmit your personal data to you in a structured and accessible format and/or directly to another institution or person of your choice.

Right of opposition

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data if the processing takes place on the basis of O'street's legitimate interest or on the basis of the general interest. We will stop the processing, unless we can prove that there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing or for the exercise of legal rights. You can also object in the case of direct marketing, so that personal data will no longer be processed for these purposes.

Right to withdraw your consent

For the processing of your personal data collected by O'street with your consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time. For example, you can unsubscribe from newsletters, our marketing communications or our events. You can also fill out the online contact form with the request to withdraw a certain authorization or send an email to [email protected]. Please note, however, that it takes some time to process your request and that in the meantime, you may still receive the communication. Also keep in mind that the withdrawal of your consent does not affect the processing carried out by O'street when your consent has not yet been withdrawn.

How can you exercise these rights? You can exercise these rights by sending an email to [email protected] or by mail to the following address: O'STREET, Rue Emile Cuvelier 33, 5000 Namur. To ensure that the request comes from you, you can only send a request by email from the email address we know or that is registered with us, and by letter provided that you attach proof of identity. If you believe that O'street does not process your personal data legally and in accordance with the legal provisions, you also have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority (Belgian Data Protection Authority).


O'street has taken technical and organizational security measures to prevent the destruction, loss, falsification, alteration, unauthorized access or disclosure of personal data to third parties and any other unauthorized processing of this data. O'street can under no circumstances be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the incorrect or illegal use of personal data by a third party. O'street wishes to inform you that our website may contain links, hyperlinks or references to other sites, which O'street does not control and to which our Privacy Statement and Cookie Policy do not apply. These sites are not managed by O'street.

O'street is not responsible for the content of these sites to which it is referred, nor for the offers, products or services mentioned therein. We therefore recommend that you carefully read each Privacy Statement of each site you visit, as it may differ from our Privacy Statements and Cookie Policy.


This Privacy Statement is governed, interpreted and implemented in accordance with Belgian law, which applies exclusively in the event of a dispute. The courts of Namur have exclusive jurisdiction to decide on any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or application of this Privacy Statement.


O'street reserves the right to modify this Privacy Statement at any time in the future. These changes will be published here. We therefore recommend that you regularly consult this page for updates.